딥러닝, 머신러닝/Pose Estimation

Azure Kinect camera calibration 환경 세팅

woo11 2022. 8. 17. 11:36




Extrinsic Calibration of Multiple Azure Kinect Cameras

Azure Kinect has been released for over a year now and there are a lot of applications and researches utilizing this RGBD sensor to do amazing things. The benefits of using multiple sensors are wel…


여러 카메라 합치기 (Calibration)

깃허브 소스 참고(https://github.com/stytim/k4a-calibration)



위의 깃허브 소스로 calibration 하기 전 미리 작업해야 될 사항


1. kinect 우분투용 SDK 설치



Azure Kincet Sensor DK Ubuntu 설치 방법

A minimal, portfolio, sidebar, bootstrap Jekyll theme with responsive web design and focuses on text presentation.



2. open3d 설치

설치 가이드



Build from source — Open3D 0.15.1 documentation

The visualization module depends on the Filament rendering engine and, by default, Open3D uses a prebuilt version of it. You can also build Filament from source by setting BUILD_FILAMENT_FROM_SOURCE=ON. Note Whereas Open3D only requires a C++14 compiler, F




open3d 설치 중 오류해결


3. apriltag 설치

git clone https://github.com/AprilRobotics/apriltag.git

cd apriltag

cmake -B build -GNinja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

sudo cmake --build build --target install


* k4a-calibration/src/camera_extrinsics.cpp 파일 수정 필요



Missing header · Issue #2 · stytim/k4a-calibration

Error: During compilation I got the next error: [ 33%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/calib_k4a.dir/src/camera_extrinsics.cpp.o /home/francisco/Workspace/k4a-calibration/src/camera_extrinsics.cpp: ...



#include <open3d/utility/Logging.h>k4a-calibration/src/camera_extrinsics.cpp 상단에 추가한다. 


그 후 make -j 실행 시 정상 설치 완료


설치 완료 후 build 폴더 내에서 ./calib_k4a ../master_mkv_path.mkv ../sub_mkv_path.mkv ... 실행